Neer Samtanee
5 min readJan 5, 2021

Remember, the first things you see when you search something on google, even before search results. Well, Google tells you that your brand / product / service can be seen even before optimised organic search results with paid Ads.

The Google Ads platform has tremendous opportunity when you know how to use it correctly. According to the Google Ads course, in CXL Institute’s Growth Marketing Mini degree. The important metrics are ROI, your profit, your profit margin, the volume of sales, the cost per conversion,the conversion volume, the return on ad spend. Then there are other micro-metrics like, click-through rate, quality score, impressions share, etc.

Google Ads Metrics:

Before starting the Google Ads journey, it’s important to put these metrics into practice and see if the goals we are set out to achieve are actually obtainable.

Use this ROAS calculator to see if the campaign can be profitable against the goals you want to achieve. We have the budget that we’re spending per month on average, average cost per click, conversion rate and close rate, average order value.

So it goes like you’re spending money and you have a closing rate of 2% and it is hard to lower those costs per clicks, you might conclude that this type of advertising will not actually make any sense.

Within your Google Ads account,you have some pretty amazing and powerful research tools that are called-

  • Keyword Planner
  • Display Planner

Through Keyword Planner, one can find brand new keywords that you’re not sure of which ones to target or which ones to bid on to increase the chances of click through and eventually conversion.

Display Planner is a tool to help you plan your ad campaigns from the ground up. Based on the interests of your customers or a landing page, Display Planner generates targeting ideas along with inventory estimates. You can then save your plan directly to your Authorized Buyers account as a new campaign.

Targeting Options:

Search and shopping basically have a very high intent to convert because your advertising is being reactive to the visitor’s search. There are 4 types of searches- brand, competitor, generic and informational searches. It’s important that you have them split up individually because they’re going to perform differently when it comes to conversion rates. You see the same thing actually happening in the shopping world as well where you have generic searches like basketball shoes or you have a brand search like Nike basketball shoes and then a product search like the Michael Jordans Nike basketball shoe.

The impact for different types of searches is different and if you were to bid the same way for a generic basketball shoe term, you don’t know if the visitor wants Nike or Adidas, the likelihood to actually convert them into a sale is less than it could be for the product specific search.

PPC Temperature Law is stressed by the CXL course and states that you can get any type of traffic to convert but you want to make sure that you’re matching up the intent temperature of the traffic with the temperature of the actual call to action. This is why so many advertisers fail when they try to use the same calls-to-action on the Google Ads Display network or in managed Facebook ads as they do on the Google Ads Search network.

You can create the audiences that are your own audiences within your Google Ads account. Inside the display targeting options, you see the Audiences option in which you can create following types:

  • The first option is to target the in-market audiences that are not necessarily people who have been on your site before but are like signals that Google knows are looking to buy or make a discussion relatively soon for that service or product i.e. more inclined to buy soon.
  • Then you can set up your remarketing audience, which is based on the people who’ve visited your website previously but haven’t bought yet.
  • In addition you can target affinity audiences who are people not necessarily looking to buy but are interested in that topic that you are trying to target as well.
  • Then there are custom intent audiences who are combinations of audiences that you’ve created yourself. For example you can say, these are my custom audiences who are interested in home decor and they’re also into Pinterest.
  • Once you create your own remarketing list Google automatically creates similar audiences just like Facebook’s Lookalike audience. Similar audience mirrors and mimics the demographics, the interests and behaviors of your actual audiences.

Setting Up A Campaign:

A type of ad promotion campaign is called universal app install campaigns or what we call smart campaigns that are on display network and shopping network. These are autopilot campaigns where you have given a few levels of input in regards to what you’re trying to achieve and it figures out the rest, but it doesn’t allow you to make adjustments and optimize over time.

So, let’s create one without any goal guidance.We’re going to start with search and remove the display network. The reason is that the display network by the PPC law of temperatures, will give us the traffic and clicks that are not necessarily ready to convert on our core call to action, but the search network will give us people who are actually searching for what you have to offer and therefore, there’s higher likelihood of getting conversions.

We start by putting a start date and end date and then Campaign URL options to add any UTM parameters. Dynamic search ads are the autopilot options which should be generally used for expansion opportunities when it comes to scaling.

Choose your audiences’ geographic location where you want to make sure that you’re using the people in your targeted locations.

Then set up the budget which basically means how much you’re willing to spend on average per day. The delivery method basically means that Google, if you select standard, will spend that budget over the course of the day and make sure that you’re not showing your ad every single time someone types in that keyword. The accelerated version basically says, you don’t care about spending that budget even if it’s earlier in the day because you want to show your ad every single time someone types in that keyword. So, usually we set things to accelerated because if we do use up the budget and we see that the actual campaign is running out of budget midway, ,it tells us that there’s a lot more volume to be achieved and therefore,we can increase the budget, as long as we’re making money.

Bidding is default set at maximum CPC bid to maximize clicks. Then set up an ad schedule where you can set up specific time the ad will show to your audience if you know when you expect your user to be searching.



Neer Samtanee

Education Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, Blogger, FIFA Champ